Site boundary

Setting a site boundary is the first step to getting metrics from your model like site area, FAR, and site coverage. There are 2 ways to set a site boundary - with Regrid (US sites only) or manually.

Selecting a site boundary with Regrid

We’ve integrated Regrid to make it easy to pull in accurate parcel data for site boundaries.
To select a site boundary using Regrid:
  1. Click the Set Project Location button in the right sidebar in a new project to open the map modal
  1. Select your site location on the map
  1. If your site is located in the US, you’ll see a Select site boundary using Regrid checkbox appear at the bottom middle of the modal. Check the box and click the Next button in the bottom right.
  1. On the next screen you’ll see parcel boundaries. Click on the boundary(s) you want, then click Save to finish and import the site context including the site boundary(s) you selected. If you have adjacent sites you’d like to combine you can click the Merge adjacent site boundaries checkbox before clicking Save.
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Creating a site boundary manually

If your site it outside of the US you’ll need to draw your site boundary manually. After importing your site context you’ll see a Draw site boundary button in the right sidebar. Click it and draw a closed loop sketch on your site to create the boundary.
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Editing a site boundary

To edit a site boundary:
  • double click on the boundary you want to edit OR
  • select the boundary you want to edit and click the Edit button that appears in the middle of the button bar

Adding another site boundary

To add another site boundary:
  1. With nothing selected, hover on the Site section in the right sidebar. Click the edit button that appears in the top right of the section
  1. Click the Draw site boundary button in the Site Parameters menu that appears
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Deleting a site boundary

To delete a site boundary, select the boundary you wish to delete and press Delete.