Floor Plans

Arcol allows you to turn extrusions into buildings, enabling accurate metrics like square footages, height, and area counts.

Creating a building

To create a building:
  1. Create an extrusion with the push/pull tool
  1. Select the extrusion
  1. Click the + button in the Floors section of the right sidebar

Editing a building

Buildings contain a floor count and floor to floor heights per floor. You can add or remove floors via the Count input in the right sidebar when a building is selected, or you can use the push/pull tool on the roof of the building.
notion image
The Height input in the right sidebar when a building is selected will set all floors of the building to the same floor to floor height. You can set the height of an individual floor by clicking on the floor of the building and setting the Height input in the right sidebar for the selected floor.

Creating a new floor plan

To create a new floor plan:
  1. Select the floor of the building you want to have a different floor plan
  1. Click the floor plan name (likely “Floor Plan 1”) in the right sidebar
  1. Click the + button in the menu that appears
The new floor plan will automatically be assigned to the selected floor and you’ll see the floor plan in split view for editing. A corresponding view with the floor plan name will also automatically be created.

Assigning a floor plan

All floors of a building correlate to a floor plan. If changes are made to a floor plan, all floors assigned that floor plan will update accordingly.
To assign a floor plan:
  1. Select the floor of the building you want to have a different floor plan
  1. Click the floor plan name in the right sidebar
  1. Select the desired floor plan from the list of floor plans in the menu that appears