Views are used to set a default model orientation and camera type. You can have as many views as you want in Arcol.

Creating a new view or view folder

You can create as many views and folders as you want. To create a new view click the + button in the Views section of the left sidebar or hover on a view folder and click the + that appears next to the folder name.

To create a new view folder, click the Create a new view folder button in the Views section (to the left of the + button).

Screenshot 2024-08-08 at 1.16.58 PM.png

Renaming a view or view folder

To rename a view or view folder:

  1. Right click on a view or folder name and select Rename from the menu.
  2. Edit the name as desired
  3. Press Enter to commit your changes and exit edit mode.

Reordering views and view folders

Views and view folders can be reordered via drag and drop.

Deleting a view or view folder

To delete a view or folder:

  1. Right click on a view name and select Delete from the context menu. Note that deleting a view cannot be undone. If a folder contains views, they will also be deleted when the folder is deleted.